Be A-Ware

Be A-Ware.

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Let the Games Begin

Ok, Universe – you win.


I’ve been journaling since I was 15 y.o. Approximately 10 years ago. I’ve been journaling – as in keeping a diary; writing with pen and paper; “throwback”; “old school” writing to all the New Age techies out there – or, rather, to all my… peers.

I have fought going online with my writing for quite some time. I’m not quite sure why.  I suppose I didn’t want to be a sell out; another Twitterest/PinBook/Face Space wanna-be.

But at the end of the day- I write and write and write. I have notebooks filled with thoughts, feelings, events, memories, questions, fears, loves, hopes, loathings, and countless other half-formed musings.

I’m alone with them all.

It is, to date, the most hauntingly free, confusingly beautiful position in which I have found myself.


I haven’t found myself. And, quite frankly, I’m not entirely sure I want to.

Everyday it becomes more clear that my parents were right when they told me, “You aren’t like the others my dear”.  If only I had known how true that would be; maybe I could have saved myself  some of the mistakes and misery?

Ehh, where’s the fun in that?

If you continue reading, you will find that Writing is my catharsis – among a few other vices. Feel free to judge, you won’t hurt my feelings. But, if you do, I’ll just journal about it. Oh wait. That’s here now.

Hmmm, well, here we go.

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